It has been estimated that recycling one ton of waste paper results in a saving of 70% raw material, 60% coal, 43% energy and 70 % water, as compared to making virgin paper from wood. The recycling process also offers an opportunity for generation of additional income and employment. According to some estimates, one ton of recycled paper saves approximately 17 trees, 410 Kilowatt hours of electricity, 31,780 litres of water, 2.5 barrels of oil and 4 cubic meters of landfill. These facts & figures illustrate the importance and relevance of recycling based paper industry in today’s polluted world.
At Ramadas, the ‘Proud to be Green’ policy is an integral part of our business. We manufacture only eco-friendly products using 100% waste paper as raw material by employing Total Chlorine Free (TCF) bleaching to protect the ecology and environment. No hazardous chemicals are used by us, and all the Writing & Printing grades of paper are manufactured in Neutral/Alkaline medium using special Sizing chemicals. We conform to all Environmental legislation and other regulatory/statutory requirements. Prime consideration is given for Prevention of Air & Water pollution by installing proper systems in place for elimination of waste/emissions which result from the manufacturing process followed. Strong emphasis is laid for Energy & Water conservation as well by providing proper equipment and devices. Moreover, Green belt development in an area of 80 acres shows the importance given by us for the ecology and environment. We constantly strive towards making environmentally responsible choices. |